Review: Polycom Communicator CS100
While there are bajillions of USB Skype phones available now and more are coming out every day. While they may work well with Skype, they typically don’t work very well with regular SIP or IAX softphones, and even then, most have simply horrible call quality. Quite some time ago we reviewed the Duet 250 speakerphone which blew our socks off and has ever since had a permanent home in my laptop bag. Recently, Polycom released the Communicator C100 which is also a USB speakerphone that works with both Skype and regular softphones. While our first thought was that Polycom had finally jumped the shark with such a low-end device, we decided to try it out and see how it really performed.
Read my review at
Labels: asterisk, polycom, speakerphone, telephony, trixbox, usb, voip